Saturday, July 21, 2007

We have been busy busy busy! Lots of swimming, play dates and running errands. We found out this week that Adrienne can swim! She just took a huge breath put her face in the water and started kicking. She swam half ways across the pool before she came up for air. She kept doing it and kept getting better. So we are going to put her in swimming lessons next week.

We've had our friend Katie with us this week. She is staying with us during the day for the next two weeks so her daddy can get some work done at home (he works from the house). Adrienne LOVES her, she is 8 and is so good with the kids.

Started shopping for back to school stuff for Logan. My big first grader needs lots and lots of stuff. We got his lunch box and backpack all picked out. Those are the important necessities. He is into the magic 8 ball right now. He thinks it is cool.

Lanie did something funny this morning (however I didn't think it was funny at the time) While I was trying to get all the kids packed and in the car to go to our friend Deshee's house, she got into the pantry and pulled out the box of instant oatmeal. She ripped open the box and took out one of the packets, opened that and spilled all the oatmeal on the floor. Tried a hand full and must of thought it didn't taste right, so she pulled out another packet and dumped that on the floor. Fast forward to three more packets and I have a nice pile of oatmeal to clean up. I should have known sometime was up when it was too quiet.

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